Oral Hygiene

Keeping your teeth and appliances sparkling clean is a must! It is the only way to prevent plaque build-up and tooth decay. Poor oral hygiene will result in PERMANENT scarring (decalcification) of the tooth enamel and an extension of your treatment.

Brushing with Braces

When: After EVERY meal or snack

With: A soft bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste

How: (1) Brush with a small amount of toothpaste. (2) Use circular motions around the gum lines and the surfaces of your teeth, 10 seconds on each tooth. (3) At an angle, work bristles over,under, and past the wire that runs from one tooth to another. (4) Then brush the chewing surface of your teeth, your tongue, and the roof of your mouth too! (5) Rinse thoroughly.

Flossing with Braces

When: Nightly after brushing

With: Dental floss and a floss threader

How: (1) Insert floss into threader. (2) Put threader under the wire. (3) Floss, using an up and down motion along teeth on both sides and below gum line.

Additional Tips in keeping your teeth clean and healthy include:

  • Water Pik
  • Antiplaque pre-brushing rinse
  • A fluoride rinse or gel
  • Sonicare toothbrush

When you are finished, look in the mirror to be sure your teeth and braces and shiny and your gums are sore and/or bleed, rinse them with warm salt water. These problems will quickly disappear with proper oral hygiene.

Oral Hygiene Incentive

EARN POINTS on your reward cards Teeth are plaques-free and gums are not red or puff. No bands or brackets are loose You have worn your headgear/appliance/elastics extremely well.

Remember, the better your EFFORTS, the better your RESULTS! Good Luck!
